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>> Indicator   [4]
รายละเอียดสินค้า : LoopView is a two-wire 4-20mA loop indicator, loop powered and low power. Its excellent precision allows to indicate several measurements like pressure, differential pressure, flow, pH, temperature, acceleration and other. It has valve type connector standard EN 175301-803 (old DIN 43650) male and female. LoopView is powered by the current loop itself and allows to be inserted into sensors already installed in industrial facilities, with same connector type. This device has a 4-digit display and 2 keys, which allows adjustment in indication value and range, decimal point position, applying digital signal filter and user calibration quick and easily. The parameters modification is password protected and can be done directly in the loop indicator, through panel keys. The configured parameters are stored in non-volatile memory, which means they keep saved in loop break occurrence.
รายละเอียดสินค้า : N1540 process meter was designed with advanced technology for highest performance and reliability in the most demanding applications. Based on an advanced and robust hardware platform, the N1540 can be fully programmed via its front keypad or via a USB interface. The unique USB interface makes the programming task a simple one step fool proof operation. It allows, for example, the set up of several instruments with the same programming parameters with extreme ease while saving precious time. The USB interface also provides an invaluable means for continuous monitoring of the measured process variable. With a very short 35 mm depth enclosure, the N1540 can be easily installed in panels and enclosures where space is at a premium. Dual alarm relays and a convenient 24 V auxiliary power supply are also available in this competitively priced process meter.
รายละเอียดสินค้า : The Universal Process Indicator N1040i combines, in one compact and convenient 1/16 DIN enclosure, a high precision microprocessor based analog circuit with a very simple configuration interface to monitor a wide range of analog variables. This low cost tough versatile process indicator is compatible with most common thermocouples, Pt100 RTD and linear as 4 to 20 mA and mV.
รายละเอียดสินค้า : This high performance universal digital panel meter features a bright 56 mm high display for high visibility at long distances. The N1500G setup can be done via its keyboard or via a remote PC since it features RS485 comm and a digital input with special functions.
รายละเอียดสินค้า : The N1500 series of Universal Process Indicators are high performance instruments used for monitoring analog signals in the vast majority of industrial and laboratory processes.